
Do people always say you should write a book someday?

They’re probably right. Becoming an author is a coveted goal for many, however, this task isn’t easy to complete. And no one should do it alone! It’s easy to get distracted, lost in your words, and unsure of your direction.

Let me help you gain maximum efficiency and effectiveness, so that you have a book that feeds your soul and connects with those who matter most.

​How we’d work together.

Each project is unique, but on average, it will take 6-8 months to write your book. Depending on your publishing goals, your book could be in print in less than one year. Publishing takes time and involvement, but working with me can definitely accelerate and streamline the process.


Step 1: Kickoff

We discuss your goals for the book, review your materials, and create a project schedule that allows you to fully prepare for what’s ahead.


Step 2: Gathering and Research

This is when we gather your stories, research, and philosophies into a table of contents and collection of contents for the book. 


Step 3: Writing and Editing

In this phase, we’ll start drafting your chapters and refining them together. This is the longest part of the process, which involves your feedback and direction. When writing is complete, we read the book front to back and make necessary changes.


Step 4: Prepare for Publication

When the chapters are complete, we work on the back and front matter of the book: the copyright page, acknowledgements page, author bio, table of contents, and references. We finish with content for the back cover of your book, then you’ll be ready to work with a designer for self-publication.

What’s an “airplane read?”

I specialize in books that have a 25,000-35,000 word count. This is considered an “airplane read.” It’s a common length for self-published business, leadership, and personal growth books, and it’s also a terrific option for first-time authors or authors who want to have a series of books. Nonfiction readers often LOVE this size book (125-150 pages) because they can breeze through your book, then brag online about how quickly they finished it and loved it. The price on any project will depend on how much research and interviewing will be required. I also offer self-publishing packages to help your book reach the final destination.