Your quiz results indicate that your book project can wait. Believe me, it’s a gift to recognize this. Redirect your energy towards something that’s enlivening and pour your focus into that because when the time is right, your manuscript will command similar attention.
If you want to keep the author spark lit, you can always read books that are in your desired genre. Explore the popular authors, trending topics, and what readers are craving. This will prepare you for when you’re ready to put pen to paper.
My name is Erin Donley. As a ghostwriter and book coach, I specialize in personal growth, professional growth, and memoirs. If your book ideas are in these genres, let’s chat sometime.
Sign up for a free, 30-minute session on Book Talk Tuesdays. We’ll create a personalized plan that suits your budget, writing needs, and lifestyle.
Every author embarks on their writing journey at different points in life. Trust that your book will let you know when it’s ready. Until then, I’ll be in touch sporadically with insights on book creation, publishing, and must-read books!
Erin Donley